Lifestyle Parenting

Archer’s 8 month update

October 7, 2019

Archie man is becoming such a big boy. This past month he went from a slow army crawl to being able to get around the entire house in a matter of minutes. Is there actually anything cuter than a little baby crawling around the corner and smiling at you? He is also pulling up to standing and will even let go and just hold on with one hand. He will stand up holding on to something for such a long time but then cries because he’s tired but can’t figure out how to fully let go and sit back down. We got him this walker and he can already walk across the living room with it!

He’s doing great cruising through the house with this

Archer has 5 teeth now, and we laugh because his front teeth look so big. I don’t know if it’s just because he is so small to already have his front teeth in, or if he actually inherited my big buck teeth hahaha.

He has started giggling more, he’s just like big brother though in that you have to work so hard to get him to giggle. He is full of smiles though and is just the happiest little man. Archer has started saying dada and he also likes to pull up to standing and then let out an ear piercing screech which has been super fun. His favorite thing is to wrestle with Jordan and Theo, and he gets the biggest grin on his face playing like a big kid.

First camping trip for this little man

Eating is going great, he rarely gags anymore which is nice. He is a little chunk and wants to eat anything and everything. He is onto three meals a day and he eats well at all three. So far there hasn’t really been anything that he doesn’t seem to like, but I know that picky stage will come later. We got him this portable highchair for camping which made feeding him very easy! I think it’ll be nice for picnics in the backyard too now that the weather is cooling down.

He loves smoothies!!

Sleep has been sooooo off and on this past month thanks to teething. He has had a few nights where he wakes up every two hours (that was fun), but for the most part he only wakes up once and there have been a few nights where he’s slept through the night. He is down to two naps during the day, for anywhere from 1-2 hours each.

Using Mattie to stand up

Archer goes to preschool with Theo now two days a week and loves it. He is the youngest but loves being able to watch all of the older kids. I think it probably helps motivate him to crawl and he will probably walk pretty soon too.

Poor Arch got hand foot and mouth this past month. I think he got it from going to the splash pad. It sucked but honestly he handled it like a champ. Fortunately it didn’t affect his appetite and he got over it quickly.

Loved the splash pad!

He is a little rascal and loves picking up Mattie’s water bowl and pouring it out. He is also obsessed with our plants and the minute you take your eyes off of him he is in the plant pot playing with the dirt and trying to eat it!

All day every day

Archer is getting to be such a big boy, which is both super fun and a bit sad at the same time. Babies don ‘t keep, but I do love watching him conquer new milestones and seeing his personality come out more and more. He reminds me so much of Theo as a baby but I get the feeling he might be a little bit more chill and calm.

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