
Archer Turns One

February 3, 2020

I cannot believe my tiny little baby is already one. It feels like just yesterday we were bringing him home from the birth center, and laying in bed as a family to try and settle on a name. This truly has been the fastest year of my life, but it’s also been so special.

Archer Terrence, you are an absolute joy. From the day you came home you have been such a sweet, happy little soul. You are always so content, rarely fussy, and are just happy to be brought along on whatever family adventure we are on in the moment.

In the last year you have been to England, Scotland, San Diego, and Washington DC. You’ve had four airplane rides, all of which you were an angel. You’ve had many road trips (in which case you were less of an angel). You’ve been to two new countries, three states, had your first beach trip, got to enjoy your first camping trip, and went to your first family reunion.

Exploring Scotland
Camping in Prescott
Passed out in Zion

You started taking steps just after you turned 11 months, and really committed to walking on your first birthday. You love to say dada and wow, but aren’t particularly interested in saying mama. You have been babbling up a storm lately though so I think the words are going to be coming soon.

You’ve got eight teeth, mostly sleep through the night, eat anything except meat (vegetarian baby apparently) and are happy going to just about anyone. You love your mama so much, but you are also just such a happy boy that as long as someone’s holding you or playing with you, you are content.

You play so well independently and will amuse yourself for hours. Your favorite activities are anything that involves being outdoors, and you also loooove cause and effect type toys. You have been in swim class for a few months now and love the water and also bath time. You smile all the time, wrestling big brother is your favorite hobby, and anything Theo is doing you want to do too.

Little troublemaker always getting into my plants
Bath time is the best time
Best buddies

Archie, you are just an absolute dream and we love you so so so much! I can’t wait to see how much you grow this upcoming year, as you become more independent and your personality shines through even more.

You can read Archie’s birth story here.

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