
What We Ate

June 1, 2018

I don’t know about you guys but I love hearing what other people eat in a day.  It’s a great way for me to get new ideas for meals and snacks.  I also have the worst fomo (fear of missing out) when it comes to food, so I like to make sure I’m not missing out on a yummy option.  When we go out to eat I like to know what everyone else at the table is having before I make up my mind on my own order haha.  Gotta make sure nobody is making a better choice than me!

I thought I would share with you all an example of what Theo and I eat on an ordinary day when we are eating at home.  If you follow me on Instagram I show a lot of our meals in my stories, so if that’s interesting to you then check it out!


Breakfast on this day was carrot cake oatmeal.  This is one of Theo’s favorite breakfasts so I can always count on him eating a lot of it.  I added Vital Proteins Collagen Peptides to the recipe as well.  You can’t even taste it and collagen peptides and there are so many health benefits behind them.  They promote healthy connective tissue which in turn helps support your digestive tract, bones and joints, hair and skin, and so much more!

Theo had about 5 times the amount of oatmeal that is actually shown in this picture.  His bowl is just really small so I just keep refilling it.  I love this bowl though because it has sloped sides which make it easy for toddlers to scoop out of!  It’s this NumNum Beginner Bowl and I would highly recommend it for infants and young toddlers.

Before breakfast Theo also had a half of a banana and about 6oz of cashew milk, and I had a cup of coffee.

Morning Snack:

I had a business call on this day and I intentionally planned it to when Theo would be napping. Of course this is the day that he passed out two hours earlier than normal and then woke up ten minutes before my call.  I ended up giving him a string cheese and two applesauce pouches to make sure he would stay quiet during my call haha.


Lunch was chicken noodle soup and bread topped with the garlic spread from Trader Joe’s.  If you haven’t tried this spread, you need to go get it immediately.  It’s delicious and I’ve been putting it on everything lately.  Theo ate all of his lunch and had some of my soup as well.  I give him less broth because it’s easier for him to eat it that way.  I also tend to give him less food at once, because that way if he gets a wild urge to throw his plate he doesn’t waste the entire meal!

Afternoon Snack:

Theo’s afternoon snack was a peach and half of an avocado.  He’s been obsessed with peaches lately so I’m going to have to make sure I stay stocked up with them!  He also had another 6oz of cashew milk.


So I have a funny story for you guys about this dinner.  I came up with the most delicious salmon recipe and couldn’t wait to try it out.  I made a maple pecan glaze for the salmon and I wanted to let it marinade for about 20 minutes while I got the sweet potato fries prepped.  Well there was no room in the fridge so I just put the pan in the oven while I took care of the sweet potatoes.  Then I turned the oven on to 425 degrees and when I went to put the fries in the oven I realized that I never took my marinading salmon out!  It was in there the whole time the oven was preheating just getting cooked.  I was seriously annoyed with myself because  it ended up being overcooked.  I will give myself a back pat though because the glaze ended up being absolutely amazing, so it kind of saved the dish… somewhat.

Side note… Theo ate all of his mac n cheese and didn’t even touch the salmon or the sweet potatoes.  Dinner tends to be the meal that he eats the least at, so I wasn’t all that surprised.

That was our day of meals, let me know if you like these kinds of posts and maybe I will do them more often!

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