Lifestyle Parenting

Two Year Update: Theo

November 12, 2018
two year update

I can’t believe I am already writing Theo’s two year update. Time truly never moves faster than it does after you become a parent.


This kid is still so spirited and outgoing. He just has such a love for life and gets so much joy out of everything. He makes friends everywhere, whether it’s the cashier at Target or another kid at the park. He’s not at all shy and will happily approach a kid he doesn’t know to play. I just dropped him off for his first day of preschool and he ran straight to the other kids, held out his hand to them, and said “c’mon, play” and led them to the toy area. I think he’s a natural leader and I love his confidence.

Theo’s language really exploded about two weeks before he turned two. He has started repeating everything we say and is becoming such a copycat. When a familiar song plays he has started singing the last word of each sentence, which is hilarious. Jordan always listens to rock music with him so hearing him sing along to that kind of music is just so cute. He has also started putting together three word sentences and in the morning after Jordan leaves for work Theo will ask “where daddy go?”

His new thing is to hide from people. When Jordan gets home Theo will say “hide, hide” and go run to the other side of the couch and crouch down so he can surprise Jordan when he walks in. If he is upstairs he will pull the sheets over his head and then pop out at you and if you act surprised he will laugh hysterically. He’s also learned how to tickle and every time I tickle him then he wants to tickle me too. It’s cute except his little fingers kind of just scratch and claw and I have to pretend to giggle and love it because I know it makes him happy.

The baby obsession is still going strong, and Theo loves when he sees people with babies. He always holds out his arms to hold the baby and says “awwwww, baby, shoot” (instead of cute).  He’s really into animals and making all of the animal noises.  He calls horses moose and he says “yay” instead of neigh.  He’s also very into dinosaurs right now and flaps his arms for a pterodactyl and stomps his feet for a t-rex.

This kid is still so dang active. He loves to dance and will jump up and start grooving the minute he hears music. He can do a somersault now, likes to walk backwards around the house just because he can, and when he gets excited he will start hopping up and down like a kangaroo. If only adults had that much energy.


I can’t wait to see what this next year brings us. Theo will be a big brother in a few months and have his own “chute” baby to love on all day long. I can’t wait to see how he reacts to becoming a big brother. The older Theo gets the more similar he gets to Jordan. They just have such similar personalities and it’s really special seeing the qualities I love in Jordan start to show in Theo.

You can read his 18 month update here, 16 month update here, and one year update here.

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