
Archer’s Two Month Update

March 25, 2019
two month update

Someone please invent a way for time to slow down. I swear, once you have kids it just flies by faster than ever. I can’t believe I’m writing Archer’s two month update. The past two months have gone by in the blink of an eye and I don’t feel like I have a newborn anymore. Archer is officially a little baby and has gotten so much more alert. He is such a happy boy and is honestly such an easy baby. I remember Theo being an easy baby too, but Archer just seems extra easy. Maybe it’s a second baby thing, or maybe it’s just that I have gotten the hang of this parenting thing… well as much as possible anyway haha. If you want to read his one month update, you can find it here.


Archer is a chunk and is in the 70th% for weight and the 80% for height. HE is already almost 14lbs and is in 3-6 month clothing. He’s eating every 2-3 hours during the day and fortunately we seem to be past the cluster feeding in the evening phase. He takes a bottle really well which is nice because it gives me the opportunity to get things done outside of the house without worrying about rushing home to nurse him. Nursing is still going really well, obviously, considering the amount of weight he’s gained.


This month Archie has started cooing and smiling. There is seriously nothing better than seeing your sweet little baby giving you a gummy smile! It’s the best! He is so so smiley and is pretty much always happy. His awake periods are starting to get longer and we got him an activity mat to lay on which he loves. Theo also loves it and constantly pulls the toys off of it and moves them around the house (eye roll).

There have been a handful of times that I have laid Archie on his belly only to find him on his back. He hasn’t consistently started rolling over yet. He does enjoy tummy time though and is getting so strong so I think he will be consistently rolling soon!

Showers and baths are guaranteed happy times. Diaper changes are also a favorite, and he gets so happy when we put a new diaper on him. I love watching his little legs happily kicking away while he coos at me:) His dislikes include the car unfortunately. Once he’s worked up the only thing that calms him is rock or heavy metal music. He also loves the stroller and pretty much falls asleep the second we go for a walk. Both of my babies have loved being worn and Archie will stay so content if I keep him in either my Wildbird ring sling or my Solly wrap.

First St Patty’s Day

Sleep Update

This kid is a champion napper which I love. He is really easy to get to sleep during the day. Naps are anywhere from 45 minutes to two hours a few times a day. Theo was a terrible napper and only napped for long stretches with me holding him until he was about five months old. Needless to say, it was rough.

Night sleep is slowly but surely getting better. He is down to 1-2 wake ups per night which is amazing. He goes back to sleep easily after he eats fortunately so I’ve been getting pretty good sleep. I usually just bring him into bed with me for the second wake up and nurse him. It makes it easy for us to both go back to sleep until 6:30 or 7.

My Postpartum Two Month Update

I finally feel like myself again which is nice. Sleep has been better so I don’t feel like so much of a zombie during the day. The aching I felt in my pubic bone is gone so I have been slowly increasing my exercise intensity and frequency. I don’t think I have lost any more weight this month which means I’m still up just shy of 15 pounds from my pre-pregnancy weight. I care less about the number, but I would like to get toned up and in better shape again. It’s not my main focus but definitely a goal that I’ll be working towards.

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