Parenting Pregnancy

36 Week Pregnancy Update

January 1, 2019

Countdown: 4ish more weeks. The first half of this pregnancy seemed to drag on when I wasn’t feeling good, but with the holidays the second half has flown by!

Weight Gain: 35 pounds. I’m still wearing my rings but I did notice on Christmas day it was really hard to get them off, so I’m definitely getting some swelling. I think I’m going to just wear my wedding band from now on because it’s easier to get on and off than my engagement ring is. I’ve also noticed my face is starting to look quite… round haha.

Sleep: I’ve been taking so long to wind down and fall asleep at night. But once I do fall asleep I end up sleeping great which is a bonus. Still waking up a few times to pee but usually I go right back to sleep. I’m going to try and start falling asleep earlier because I went into labor with Theo int he middle of the night and if that happens again I want to be at least somewhat rested.

Mood: I’ve been so busy with the holidays and spending time with family that a good mood has been inevitable. I do notice myself getting a bit snippier at times. When that happens I try and just take a step back and have a moment to myself because I know it’s not anybody’s fault.

Cravings: I keep forgetting to mention this but I have been obsessed with hot chocolate for the past month haha. It started when we were in Disneyland and I always want some. I never make it at home but anytime we are out doing something festive for the holidays I always get a cup.

Symptoms: I’m definitely feeling all of 36 weeks. It feels like the baby has dropped lower in my pelvis which feels bizarre. Sometimes I will have a strange tingly kind of pain right behind my pubic bone. I don’t really even know how to describe it, it almost feels like I have to pee. Regardless, it’s uncomfortable and is enough to make me want to sit down immediately. I’ve also been having back pain but in the most specific spot. It’s just right behind my right shoulder blade. This can be indicative of gallbladder issues or other digestive issues. I’m not having any other symptoms that would indicate that though fortunately. I think it’s just muscular pain from holding Theo or something. I’ve mentioned that I’ve had a little bit of swelling, nothing even remotely compared to my pregnancy with Theo though.

Labor/Birth Preparation: I’ve been reading and watching positive birth stories and have been loving it. Every time I cry and get so excited to meet this little boy!

I’m still doing daily stretching and whatever yoga I can manage. I also go for a few walks each day with my dog, usually around a mile. I have started bouncing and doing hip motions on my yoga ball to try and keep my pelvis loose and limber. I’ve been getting weekly chiropractic adjustments which have been phenomenal. I have always had tight hip flexors and my hips are where I feel the most tension. Probably a combo of getting dropped as a cheerleader in high school and also spending years sitting in a chair in classroom during medical school. Regardless, I know that my hips are an area that need work so I am really trying to focus on them before this delivery.

I’ve started taking the botanical tincture Mother’s Cordial at 34 weeks. This helps support your uterine function during the end of pregnancy and delivery. I started with 1 teaspoon daily at 34 weeks and now that I’m 36 weeks I will increase to 1 teaspoon 3 times per day. Evening Primrose Oil is another supplement that I started taking daily at 34 weeks. Studies suggest that EPO can help soften the cervix and shorten labor when taken in the final weeks of pregnancy. This week I am going to start using this vaginally as well. Finally, I’ve been keeping up with drinking red raspberry leaf tea. This is another great herb shown to have benefits during labor and delivery.

Baby boy: He’s still doing great, and is measuring right on track. He’s still so active which surprises me. I don’t even know how he has any room left in there! We are getting so excited to meet him.

**Information found in this post is not intended to be used as medical advice. Always consult with your doctor or midwife before taking any supplements or medications during pregnancy to determine if it is a safe option for you.**


Check out my previous pregnancy updates here: 34 weeks pregnant, 30 weeks pregnant, 26 weeks pregnant, 22 weeks pregnant, 20 weeks pregnant, 18 weeks pregnant, first trimester recap

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