Lifestyle Parenting Pregnancy

First Trimester Recap

August 6, 2018

This is my second pregnancy and so far it has gone just about as differently as possible from my first.  I had the easiest pregnancy with Theo.  Honestly I didn’t even really feel pregnant until I started to show.  Other than being tired, I felt completely normal my first trimester.

I’m not going to lie, I have felt pretty terrible so far this pregnancy.  The first trimester was really rough for me.  I was so caught off guard when I started feeling sick because I honestly just expected to have another easy pregnancy.  We are so excited for this sweet baby, but it’s been hard to keep up the level of excitement when I have been feeling so sick.  I just keep telling myself you’ll feel better soon… and it definitely took until week 14 for that to be true.

Due Date: January 26th, 2019

How We Found Out We Were Pregnant:  You can read all about that in this post.

Weight Gain:  5 pounds (pretty sure my pre pregnancy weight was 113)

Food Cravings: Honestly, all I really wanted this trimester was soup and sandwiches.  It was like 110 degrees here in Phoenix for my whole first trimester so the soup craving was slightly ridiculous, but it was all I wanted for dinner.

Food Aversions:  Nothing and yet everything all at once.  The only specific aversions I had were beets and coconut water, the thought of them would make me gag.  Other than that I wasn’t averse to anything specific, I was just constantly nauseous so nothing really sounded good.  I went through a two week phase (probably weeks 6-8) where I loved coconut water and then all of a sudden I found coconut water to be repulsive and never drank it again.

Sleep: Sleep wasn’t really good to me this trimester.  First of all, let me say how annoying it was that the second I found out I was pregnant my bladder appeared to shrink in size!  In reality your body is producing more blood to sustain the baby and your hormones are doing crazy things, and as your uterus grows it is putting pressure on your bladder, all of which make you have to pee more often.  But damn is it annoying to wake up twice every night to pee.  Every night I would wake up to pee at 4a and then I couldn’t fall back asleep!  It was the worst.  I would just lay awake until like 6, then fall asleep for maybe an hour before Theo woke up for the day.  I would get so tired throughout the day but I cannot for the life of me take naps, so it sucked having such interrupted sleep every night.

Morning Sickness:  Let’s just go ahead and call it was it really is… all day sickness.  From the minute I turned 6 weeks I would wake up feeling sick and go to bed feeling sick.  I only ever threw up once, but I had the constant sensation of needing to throw up all day every day.  Not going to lie, it was awful.  I never truly understood how bad morning sickness was until I experienced it myself.  I felt nauseous from week 6 to week 13, so essentially for two months, and it was not fun.  I’m so so so thankful for my mum and Jordan, because I don’t think I would have survived the first trimester without the two of them.

Baby Bump:  I was definitely bloated starting around week 8, and by the end of the first trimester I felt like I was showing.  But I’m sure that a random stranger wouldn’t have noticed anything even if I was in a bikini.

Mood:  I wish I could tell you that I kept a happy and upbeat attitude despite how I felt, but that would be a lie.  It’s so hard to be in a good mood when you feel absolutely terrible.  I tried really hard not to take out my frustrations on Jordan, but there were times when I would get snippy and grumpy.  He took it like a champ and I usually apologized afterwards, but I still felt bad.  I definitely shed a few tears during this trimester feeling sorry for myself and wishing I felt better, but overall I don’t think I was too moody.  But yeah, I definitely wouldn’t say I was cheerful.

Not gonna lie, I’m super thrilled to be out of the first trimester and feeling better finally!  I can’t wait to experience all of the changes in my body again and am interested to see how the rest of this pregnancy will go.  We find out if we are having a boy or a girl in a few weeks and we can’t wait to know!


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