Parenting Pregnancy

20 Week Update

September 7, 2018

It’s absolutely mind-blowing to me that I am already writing a 20 week update… that means this pregnancy is already halfway over!  How is time flying by so quickly?  We had our first ultrasound this past week which was amazing.  It was so so special to see our little muffin moving around in there.  This baby is pretty active and was moving all over the place.

Due Date: January 26th

Weight Gain: up 13lbs

Food Cravings/Aversions:  Still going strong with the soup cravings.  Nothing else really though.

Sleep:  Good, getting at least 8 hours every night!  Still sleeping on my stomach… I pretty slept on my stomach for my entire pregnancy with Theo.  My midwives said as long as I was comfortable baby would be fine, so we will see how long I do this time.

Mood: Mostly good.  Definitely less emotional than I was and less grumpy, but I for sure have a shorter fuse than when I’m not pregnant.

Baby bump: The bump is offically here now, and there’s no hiding it.

Movement: Lots more movement lately which is the best part of pregnancy.  There’s something so incredible about the thought of a tiny little human growing and kicking around in there!  I really only feel the movement when I’m laying still in bed at night.  I think I’ve got a few more weeks until I feel movement throughout the day as well.

Stretch marks:  None yet.  I’ve been using a combo of Vitamin E oil and Almond oil on my belly and hips.  I didn’t get any with Theo so I’m hoping that means my stomach will be used to being stretched out and I won’t get any this time either, but we will see.

Other symptoms:  I’ve been getting a tightening sensation around my bellybutton in the evenings lately.  I know this is normal as my uterus is stretching to make room for the baby, but it can get pretty uncomfortable.  I usually just lay down for ten minutes or so and then the sensation passes.

I am still wearing some non-maternity clothes.  I tend to just size up in stuff because I don’t want to spend a bunch on maternity clothes when they are only going to fit for a short time.  My shorts and pants no longer button but I just use the hair tie trick so I’m still making them work.

Boy or Girl:  So excited to say that we are adding another boy to our family!  I absolutely cannot wait to see how Theo loves his little brother, it’s going to be such a sweet bond.

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