Parenting Pregnancy

26 Weeks Pregnant Update

October 22, 2018

I am absolutely loving this stage of pregnancy and it’s so crazy to me how fast time is flying.  We only have three-ish months left until we meet this baby.  I have been feeling so good lately, almost to the point that I don’t even remember I’m pregnant.  Well, until I go to put my shoes on and there’s a little belly in the way!  Keep reading for my 26 weeks pregnancy update!

Due date:

January 26th, 2019

Weight Gain:

Up 23 pounds.

I’m right on track with the same weight gain that I had with Theo at this point.  I’m still keeping my fingers crossed that I gain a little less this time than I did with him.  I ended up gaining 45 pounds total and while I lost it fairly easily, I was pretty uncomfortable towards the end.  I ate healthy my whole pregnancy and maintained my activity level so I don’t think there’s much that I could have done to prevent the weight gain.  I think my body just needs al little bit of extra weight during pregnancy, and I will likely gain a similar amount this time.  I’m trying not to focus on it too much and trust that my body knows what it’s doing.


I’ve actually had a few naps lately which is really unusual for me.  It might be because of how much time I have been spending outside playing with Theo.  We’ve been getting worn out and I’ve been taking advantage of naps when I get the chance.  I’ve also been sleeping really good at night, waking up just once usually to pee.


I have been feeling so so good lately.  This has been one of the rainiest October’s in Arizona ever, and the weather has been in the 70’s.  I love being able to enjoy playing outside with Theo.  We have been doing a lot of exploring the neighborhood and playing at the park lately and all of the outdoor time has been amazing for my energy.

Baby Bump:

The bump is out on full display but I have gotten so many comments recently about how I don’t look pregnant.  I just kind of laugh it off because I’m not really sure how to reply.  I most definitely do look pregnant and I’m not sure if people just say it because they think it’s the nice thing to do or what.

I’m mostly in maternity clothes now and looser fitting dresses.  I’m still wearing all of my old jeans, just using the hair tie trick, but I’m not sure how much longer that’s going to work for me.


I’m still getting some stretching pains here and there.  I’ve been walking to the park and back with Theo, which is two miles total.  Not a big deal, but there’s also a huge hill and a soccer field that we’ve been running up and down while we’re there and I think it’s been a bit too much.  On the walk home I start feeling a bit crampy, so I think I may need to start driving to the park and doing my daily walk at another time.

Baby Update:

Still nameless, poor kid.  I’m beginning to think that he’s going to be born without a name… maybe we should just call him Theo Jr.  Seriously though, every name I really love Jordan doesn’t like, and every name he really loves I don’t like.  So we are just stuck with a list of names that we both like but don’t love.

Other than being nameless, baby Murray is doing good.  Still so freakin active and is constantly moving.  I’ve noticed that when Theo cries the baby starts moving extra.  He already loves his big brother so much!  I keep trying to get Theo to rest his hand on my stomach to feel the baby kicking, but every time he just starts shoving my stomach and laughing.  I don’t think being gentle with the baby is going to be his strong suit.


For past pregnancy updates check out my first trimester recap, 18 week pregnancy update, 20 week pregnancy update, and 22 week pregnancy update.

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