
Five Reasons to Have Your Baby at a Birth Center

July 8, 2019

Labor and delivery is such a personal experience.  At the end of the day we all want the same thing, which is a healthy mom and baby.  How you choose to deliver is completely up to you, and it’s important to remember that there is no right or wrong way to do it.    However you choose to birth is your choice and know that things may not always go according to plan, and that’s ok as well.

That being said, I encourage you all to do your own research before making your choice.  Just because your friend delivered at home in a bath doesn’t mean that’s the right choice for you.  Likewise, if someone tells you that they were not able to handle the pain without an epidural, that doesn’t mean you will also need an epidural.  There are so many different choices to make regarding your birth and I encourage you to make the choices that feel right for you, regardless of what anyone else says.

I always get questions about why I chose to have my boys at a free standing birth center.  You can read Theo’s birth story and Archer’s birth story and you will see that even though I had the same intent for both, they did end up differently with one being a hospital transfer.  There are so many variables with birth and no two experiences are going to be the exact same.  There are an endless number of reasons why I chose to have a birth center birth, but I decided to share my top five below.

My Top 5 Reasons for Choosing to Birth at a Birth Center

Lower C-Section Rates

The United States has a c-section rate of around 30% of all hospital births according to recent research released by the CDC.  That means 1 in every 3 women will have a c-section; that statistic is alarmingly high.  The c-section rate has been steadily increasing over the past few decades in our country, despite that the World Health Organization suggests that the ideal rate is closer to 10-15%.  C-sections can be life-saving for both moms and babies and we are fortunate to live in a country where they can be performed when medically necessary.  However, it is still a major abdominal surgery that comes with risks of its own, and it should be avoided if at all possible.  Free standing birth centers have a c-section rate of less than 10%.  I knew I wanted to give myself the best chance possible to avoid a c-section unless it was medically necessary, so this was my number one reason for opting for a birth center birth over a hospital birth.

Less Medical Interventions are Used

I liked the idea of having as few interventions as possible when it came to the birthing process.  I wanted to allow my body the opportunity to do what I felt confident it was able to do, and I didn’t want to be interfere with that process.  An epidural is not an option at a free standing birth center because there is not an anesthesiologist on the premises.  They also do not use Pitocin, Cytotec or other scheduled induction techniques. If you need to be induced for a safety reason, then you will need to deliver at a hospital.  If you are hoping to have as few medical interventions as possible, then a birth center is likely a good choice for you.

Freedom to Labor How and Where you Want

I didn’t want to be confined to a hospital bed for the duration of my labor and I didn’t want anyone telling me how or where I needed to lay during delivery. Remaining mobile during labor and varying your laboring positions can be helpful in getting the baby to drop into the birth canal.  Research has also shown that movement during labor can help to relax your uterus, help you manage your pain levels more effectively, and can speed up labor.  I wanted to be able to move freely and birth in whatever position felt comfortable in the moment, and I liked that the birth center I chose encouraged this.

Quiet Calming Environment

I am a fairly quiet person by nature, and the thought of being surrounded by people during labor and delivery makes me cringe.  I knew that I only wanted Jordan with me and I wanted the room to be nice and dim and quiet.  The midwives at the birth center made sure to honor those wishes and the overall environment was so relaxing.  It felt very homey and didn’t have the sterile hospital vibe that I was looking to avoid with bright lights and people coming in and out of the room.

I have had one hospital delivery and one birth center delivery, and I can honestly say I would choose the birth center delivery over the hospital one every time.  There were a ton of people in the hospital room, everyone was talking loudly, the room was lit up like fireworks had gone off, and I was being instructed when and how to push.   It was just very overwhelming to me.  At the birth center, the midwives were just quietly encouraging me and cheering me on while letting me choose the speed at which I wanted to push to deliver my baby.  The room felt so serene and in the moment after Archer was born and I could relax, I looked around at my midwives faces and knew I’d made the right choice.

Sense of Community

I looked forward to every single midwifery appointment in both of my pregnancies.  My midwives made me feel so at home and at ease with them and there was never any awkward tension.  The practice where I delivered has four midwives on call, and I was fully comfortable knowing that any one of them could end up on my birth team.  I truly was a little bit sad after my six week postpartum appointment because I didn’t have a need to go back and see my midwives anymore.  The bonus with the birth center I delivered at is that they really do have such a friendly environment.  It’s not at all weird for moms to just stop in and say hi if they’re in the area.


I encourage you to research and look at all of your options before you make the choice on how or where you want to deliver your baby.  Safety is the most important factor, but your comfort level also plays a vital role in your labor.  Sending lots of love to all of you expectant mommas, know that whatever you choose is right for you and your baby<3

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